How to Write a TEFL Lesson Plan: 6 Steps to Follow
If you want to work online or abroad as an English teacher, a TEFL certification is one of the most important things you can have. After you have successfully acquired it, you need to start preparing for class. While this might seem like a stressful task at first, it can transform into something you will be looking forward to.
The way each teacher prepares for an upcoming class is completely different and there are many right ways to do it. Your plans should follow a basic structure and can consist of many different elements. In order to help you better prepare for this, here are some essential steps to follow when writing a TEFL lesson plan.
`Find the right lesson plan template
The very first thing you need to do is find the right lesson plan template. While there are many options to choose from online, these should serve as an inspiration. The best thing you can do is do some research and see what is available online. Then, you can create your own lesson plan template in a program such as Microsoft Excel.
This does not need to be anything fancy in order to work. It can be as simple as you need to make it and it will still be effective in helping you prepare. A great template you can follow in order to get started is the Celta lesson plan.
This template is put together by professionals and can help you understand which elements you need to include in your final template. You can even use this in the beginning stages of your career in order to develop your own planning. All in all, it will help you understand how a class is supposed to be put together from its early stages.
1. Begin your class in the right way
When you first enter a class, whether that is in person or online, your students will know nothing about you. In return, you will know nothing about their personalities, learning abilities, interests, and backgrounds. In the beginning stages of your classes, you need to start building a relationship with your students.
You can do so by starting every class with a bonding exercise where everyone has to share how their day was. In addition to that, they can also talk about one thing they enjoyed that day. This method will get even the shy ones to start talking and open up. The more you bond with your students, the better the cooperation between you will be.
This will make it a lot easier for them to come to you with questions when necessary. In addition, if they trust you and like the way you approach them, they will pay more attention in class. These are very important things in order for a class to be successful and for your students to learn from you with ease.
2. Include student activities during your presentations
One of the things that many teachers do wrong is just present the lesson content without stopping. Most students, especially those that are much younger, will grow tired of listening to the same person speaking for an hour. As much as you want to provide them with all the necessary information, you need to do so in a way that is effective.
Whether you are using a presentation or not, you need to make sure that it is not monotonous. Student activities are the best way to make learning fun and interactive. These can be different and include different elements of the class. For example, when teaching vocabulary, you can play a word game. Each student has to come up with a word starting from the last letter of the word the previous student mentioned.
Another great idea is to have your students research a topic in English and have each of them present their project in every class. This can be a very fun activity, especially if you let them choose the topic themselves. As a result, the classes will be much more fun and organized, and everyone will pay attention.
3. Let your students practice
After your presentations have come to an end, it is the time for your students to start practicing everything they learned. This is a very important part of learning and can help them make the knowledge more permanent in their brains. This is also a great time for them to ask questions and solve any problems they might be encountering.
Depending on the books you will be teaching them through, there will be plenty of exercises for them to practice through. You can also create your own exercises if you need them to work on something in particular. Thanks to the internet, you have access to countless sources of information. Through these, you can find plenty of materials for your classes.
In addition, it is also important to discuss the exercises in class after the students have completed them. You need to always remind them that making mistakes is a big part of the learning process. Talking about their answers in class will help everyone avoid certain mistakes and resolve their questions.
4. Don’t forget to review your class
At the end of every class, you need to take a few minutes to review what you did. You can ask your students what they thought about the class. You can take suggestions on what they would like to do during the next class and what they enjoyed during the one that just ended.
This is also the perfect time for them to ask for last minute questions. Some of the shyer students might wait until the end of the class to ask a question. This can be a great chance to help get them out of their shell. Along with that, you can also let your students know what you will be presenting to them during the next class.
Lacey Jones, a professional writer for online writing services such as SupremeDissertations,f said that: “Going through everything you learned in a class is the best way to remember it. This is the perfect opportunity to share ideas and problems and solve questions”.
5. Proofread your presentations before your class
Lastly, something you must never forget to do is proofread the materials you have created for a class. No matter how well-prepared you might be, spelling and grammar errors can always slip. Not only will these make you look less professional, but they can also confuse your students.
The good news is that there are plenty of tools to choose from in order to make this problem go away for good. Online tools and services such as Grammarly, Subjecto, and Hemmingway App will be your best friends.
These simple to use tools can help you fix grammar and spelling errors and fully polish every piece of written content you create. This way, you will never have to worry about simple mistakes slipping into your class.
6. Preparing for Your First English Classes Easily
Creating a lesson plan for your first English classes might seem challenging. This is something you will learn how to do effortlessly in no time. All you need is a positive attitude and the right means to start putting it together. The template you will be using is one of the most important things in this situation, so choose wisely.
It is perfectly okay to experiment with teaching methods and activities as long as you always teach the right things to your students. You will see what works for you and your class and be the best teacher you can be.
Bridgette Hernandez is a professional writer and editor working with platforms such as ClassyEssay and GrabMyEssay. She has a strong passion for helping her audience learn the value of writing. This is why she writes guest content for platforms such as TopEssayWriting. In her spare time, she loves to read books and spend time outdoors.
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