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Seoul, Daegu, Jeju, Geoje & Choongnam Private School Vacancies for Dec and Feb

News, Korea

We have the following updated private school teaching jobs in Korea for December and February. Interested candidates should have their visa documents (such as police check and apostilled university diploma) ready to submit.

To apply, please email us with a copy of your resume and recent photo - jobs@eslstarter.com #1 1) Location: Geoje http://english.geoje.go.kr/main/ 2) Vacancies: 2 (Couple) 3) Availability Date: Late February, 2014 4) Salary: 1.9M - 2.0M 5) Teaching times: 9:00AM-5:00PM / 2:00PM-8:00PM 6) Teaching hours: 120hours a month 7) Working days: Monday to Friday 8) Student’s Level: Kindy and Elementary, Middle school students 9) Housing: Couple private studio 10) Benefits: Round trip airfare, Severance pay, Health insurance(50%), Paid vacation(10days plus all national holidays) #2 1) Location: Daegu 2) Vacancies: 1 3) Availability Date: Late February, 2014 4) Salary: 2.2M-2.3M 5) Teaching times: 10:00-2:30PM and 3:00-5:00PM(WTHF) or 3-7PM(M.T) 6) Teaching hours: 120 hours 7) Working days: Monday to Friday 8) Student’s Level: Kindergarten and Elementary(4-13) 9) Housing: Private single studio 10) Benefits: Round trip airfare, Severance pay, Health insurance(50%), Paid vacation(10days plus all national holidays) #3 1) Location: Daegu 2) Vacancies: 1 3) Availability Date: Early Feb., 2014 4) Salary: 2.1M-2.2M 5) Teaching times: 9:20AM-6:00PM 6) Teaching hours: 120hours a month 7) Working days: Monday to Friday 8) Student’s Level: Kindy and Elementaryschool students(4-13) 9) Housing: Private single studio 10) Benefits: Round trip airfare, Severance pay, Health insurance(50%), Paid vacation and all national holidays #4 1) Location: Ansung 2) Vacancies: 1 3) Availability Date: Late February, 2014 4) Salary: 2.2M -2.5M 5) Teaching times: 2:00-8:30PM 6) Teaching hours: 100hours a month 7) Working days: Monday to Friday 8) Student’s Level: Elementary & Middle School students 9) Housing: Single studio 10) Benefits: Round trip airfare, Severance pay, Health insurance(50%), National pension, Paid vacation(10days plus all national holidays) #5 1) Location: Uijungbu (Northern Seoul) 2) Vacancies: 1 (Korean American preferred) 3) Availability Date: ASAP, 2013 4) Salary: 2.1M -2.2M 5) Teaching times: 2:00 - 8:00PM (Working times: 1:00-9:00PM) 6) Teaching hours: 120 hours a month 7)

Working days: Monday to Friday 8) Student’s Level: Elementary and Middle school students(4-13) 9) Housing: Private studio 10) Benefits: Round trip airfare, Severance pay, Health insurance(50%), Paid vacation and all national holidays #6 1) Location: Jeju 2) Vacancies: 1 (Korean American preferred) 3) Availability Date: Late Dec. 2013 4) Salary: 2.1-2.3M 5) Teaching times: 9:30AM-5:00PM(Kindy) 12:50PM-7:00 or 8:00PM(Elementary) 6) Teaching hours: 120hours a month 7) Working days: Monday to Friday 8) Student’s Level: Kindy, Elementary and Middle school students(4-15) 9) Housing: Single housing 10) Benefits: Round trip airfare, Severance pay, Health insurance(50%), Paid vacation(session vacations and all national holidays) #7 1) Location: Choongnam Hongsung http://hongseong.go.kr/english/ 2) Vacancies: 1 3) Availability Date: Late Feb, 2014 4) Salary: 2.0M 5) Teaching times: 2:00-8:00PM 6) Teaching hours: 100hours a month 7) Working days: Monday to Friday 8) Student’s Level: Elementary and middle school students(7-15) 9) Housing: couple studio 10) Benefits: Round trip airfare, Severance pay, Health insurance(50%), Paid vacation and all national holidays

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